Gas Bills Across the Region Sky Rocketed in February
Recent correspondence from the Diocese of Rockford to all parishes indicated the following:
The month of February was exceptionally cold in our region and across the US
Natural gas prices soared
NiCor declared a “critical day”, requiring all suppliers to reduce gas coming from storage and buy gas on the open market (at a significantly higher rate) to fulfill customers usage requirements on each critical day.
As a result, February bills will be about 5 times a “normal” February bill. "
SSPP Church and School February 2021 Gas Bill Significantly Higher
Our SSPP Church and School gas bill soared to $11,000, much higher than the $3,500 that we consider normal for the month of February. As such, we need your help to pay the bill. Any donations to the Emergency Utility Fund above the cost of the bill will remain in the fund until such time as it is needed.
If you are able to donate towards helping us pay this astronomical and unexpected bill, please:
Mail a donation to the Parish Center with Emergency Utility Fund in the memo line
Drop a check in the collection basket with Emergency Utility Fund in the memo line
Make a donation online by clicking the button below: